Sunday Ride, August 9th, 2015

Some members of KMR met this weekend to fix up their ‘peds, socialize, and scratch the braaap itch. Chad, Milne, Chopper Brad, Frank, Sam, Dennis, Shawn, Ty, and Kami were all present gettin stuff done! Chad rounded up a new silencer for Ty’s bike and powder coated it. With a group effort it was attached, leaving the Testi “purring like a little kitten”. Milne helped Dennis with his Peugeot, Frank worked on his Honda Express, and Chad got Sam’s Gadabout running smoothly again. Chad found an awesome pop machine to put in the shop and recruited Kami to clean it up almost good as new. After all the tinkering Brad, Milne, Sam, Frank, Ty, and Kami rode out to Parchment for pizza at Geno’s. Shawn attempted to join but his bike just wasn’t having it. The 6 riders who went destroyed three pizzas between them and brought the last one back to share with the guys still at the shop. A few members decided to head home after getting back to Quarter Kick, leaving Chad, Kami, Ty, Frank, and Shawn to take a quick excursion to One Well for one last brew before the night ended.